Category Archives: Main Stream Media (MSM)

Superpost on Rape, Global Warming, Birth Control, and the End of the World

Man still uses film to document his molestation of children while Principal of school allows parents to be kept in the dark. Mark Berndt, 61, The mentality of the teaching profession is distilled down into this story. Parents are fools, children are profit centers, civil rights do not matter as we the teachers and administrators… Read More »

Has MSM (Main Stream Media) accepted the conspiracy theories?

It may seem so.  With Wired Magazine now talking about wearing a tinfoil hat and why you would consider doing so. Additionally the Google-FBI-CIA blather has folks up in arms over the android (google phone software) phones reporting every keystroke back to some main servers for unknown purposes.  With Government sponsored software activating your web… Read More »

Vitamin Safety Scare Fraud NON-Experts Offer Advice – ABC News

The implied misinformation/lie in the Associate Press article, “Yet there is no clear evidence that multivitamins lower the risk of cancer” leaves the average person with the idea that no vitamins lower the risk for cancer.  But that is an error of omission that is not clarified along with the “no government agency recommends them… Read More »

Illegals in Alabama not welcome while CA and TX give away the farm to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

These three articles in the news at the same time is almost comical: Illegals in Alabama rush to make plans for kids. Brown signs California Dream Act The law grants illegal immigrants access to state aid at public universities and colleges. On immigration, Rick Perry takes heat for Texas DREAM Act Yep while AL tells… Read More »

Have we advanced in ethics in goverment?

There is a stark contrast between how the U.S. Public Health Service scientists experimented with Americans and Guatemalans back in the 1940’s and that clearly shows those researchers knew their conduct was unethical, according to members of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, which is investigating the experiments. The U.S. government researchers… Read More »

Global warming fraud exposed with NASA data

The environmentalists are being exposed as frauds nearly everywhere one looks these days. So much of the UN IPCC report is now being exposed as outright fraud that we all need to keep track of the “scientists” that perpetrated this fraud to avoid this type of attempt at global slavery again. Read here that NASA… Read More »

The Huff and Puff post propaganda again.

The huff and puff post is at it again with “climate change” WTF happened to AGW? Well since the earth is not warming but is actually being cooled they had to change it to climate change.  Any buffoon that is still actually on this bandwagon is just parading their stupidity and ignorance. It’s the SUN… Read More »

Giving Up Internet Like Trying to Quit Smoking, Christian News

Yes. Another addiction.  The online world is just PORN.  Emotional, Social, photographic, intellectual.  It really does not matter.  Online time is just selfish masturbation with no productivity at all.  Get away from it and go interact with someone. Study: Giving Up Internet Like Trying to Quit Smoking, Christian News.

5 Days Notice on City Killer Asteroid

That’s right.  They are all downplaying the size and danger of an asteroid called 2011 MD. It is officially a PHA or potentially hazardous asteroid and will come so close that it will sail in under our geosynchronous satellites.  It was only spotted 5 days prior to potential impact or fly by and is thought… Read More »

A new global food crisis looms; you have been warned

Well the Chinese have been warned.  You have the MSM that is going to keep you ignorant right up until you are starving.  Hey the Supreme Pundit has been warning about the 30 years of global cooling and the crop failures to come for over two years now. Get with the program Global review: A… Read More »

Phoenix Goddess Temple’s “Sacred Sexuality” Is More Like New Age Prostitution

What a judgmental title for an article.  What the hell happened to reporting the facts and keeping the editorial on the editorial page?  Typical “journalists”  bull crap.  Niki, Really are you gay, or against freedom of religion, or are you just for the state continuing to tell you what you can do with your own… Read More »

Shotgun to the TV over Bristol Palin’s Dancing with the Stars performance

Hey pansies, Elvis used to shoot his TV’s all the time.  This guy does the same and it is a SWAT team matter. What I consider worse is that this crap is what is getting MEN riled up.  NOT the federal reserve, European banking cartel, oppression of anyone that supports third party candidates, congress trying… Read More »

Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners | Rolling Stone Politics

The foreclosure lawyers down in Jacksonville had warned me, but I was skeptical. They told me the state of Florida had created a special super-high-speed housing court with a specific mandate to rubber-stamp the legally dicey foreclosures by corporate mortgage pushers like Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan Chase. This "rocket docket," as it is called… Read More »

Alabama Schools Paddle Kids With No Way For Parents To Opt-Out – The Consumerist

Here’s an type of opt-out list we don’t often write about: Corporal punishment in schools is legal in lots of states, but if you assumed parents could always opt-out, you’d be mistaken. According to a report from WHNT in Alabama, one student was beaten until he was bruised because he failed a science test. The… Read More »

“The View” is racist

The View is racist.  This morning while getting coffee I caught a section of “The View” on abc where Oprah Winfery was prying out of the Jackson parents that they beat, whipped, and tortured their little children with a belt.  Oprah  in her attempt to get the Jackson parents to talk about this attempted to… Read More »

Judges may OK parts of Ariz. immigration law – Josh Gerstein –

Arizona is SOVEREIGN as is all the other states.  Failing to recongnize this by the typically corrupt person that becomes a judge will be the first snag in the yarn that undoes the Federal Republic of the United States of America and starts the second great civil war. Here we go…… Judges may OK parts… Read More »

No on Prop. 23, 24, 26 and 19 better for business

Ok, let the Supreme Pundit set the record straight.  Tomorrow is voting day. NO votes for: Any candidate or new law endorsed by a celebrity, public service union, or teachers union. Any candidate from the republican or democratic political parties. Any law that infringes on the constitution of the United States of America no matter… Read More »

The Age of Alzheimer’s

PALEEZEEEE This liberal fool actually thinks that the government would want people to live as long as possible on social security.  Why would anyone that spends public dollars want that?  And besides senior citizens have plenty of time to monitor the BS that politicians spew and determine who is lying.  Why would any politician want… Read More »