Category Archives: Health

Phoenix Goddess Temple’s “Sacred Sexuality” Is More Like New Age Prostitution

What a judgmental title for an article.  What the hell happened to reporting the facts and keeping the editorial on the editorial page?  Typical “journalists”  bull crap.  Niki, Really are you gay, or against freedom of religion, or are you just for the state continuing to tell you what you can do with your own… Read More »

Baldness, Alopecia Reversed… No Kidding

Researchers Accidentally Reverse Baldness, Alopecia in Mice Treatment Restored Hair in Mice, but is Far From Ready for Human Hair Loss Read the article and view the video on the jump via Baldness, Alopecia Reversed… in Mice – ABC News.

Shotgun to the TV over Bristol Palin’s Dancing with the Stars performance

Hey pansies, Elvis used to shoot his TV’s all the time.  This guy does the same and it is a SWAT team matter. What I consider worse is that this crap is what is getting MEN riled up.  NOT the federal reserve, European banking cartel, oppression of anyone that supports third party candidates, congress trying… Read More »

Alabama Schools Paddle Kids With No Way For Parents To Opt-Out – The Consumerist

Here’s an type of opt-out list we don’t often write about: Corporal punishment in schools is legal in lots of states, but if you assumed parents could always opt-out, you’d be mistaken. According to a report from WHNT in Alabama, one student was beaten until he was bruised because he failed a science test. The… Read More »

The Age of Alzheimer’s

PALEEZEEEE This liberal fool actually thinks that the government would want people to live as long as possible on social security.  Why would anyone that spends public dollars want that?  And besides senior citizens have plenty of time to monitor the BS that politicians spew and determine who is lying.  Why would any politician want… Read More »

As pot gets legalized the DEA struggles to prove they are relevant

These bozos just will not face the fact that they are as helpful as the 55 mph commission was back in late 20th century.  The entire premise that wee need law enforcement to arrest people doing something in the privacy off their own homes is something the weak minded drones have fallen for and all… Read More »

How the system really works

The gem in this article is this” Many muscle magazines are owned by supplement companies. Weider Nutrition Group launched “Muscle and Fitness” and “Flex.” EAS Supplements grew out of “Muscle Media Magazine,” and then really took off with the bestselling “Body for Life” book series, which was largely a glorified brochure for EAS products. Most… Read More »

Dead Farm Animals and Bovine Smegma

Delicious,  yes that is what most folks think.  Simply delicious.  We want to eat as many dead farm animals and drink as much bovine smegma as possible.  A meal without dead farm animals or bovine smegma is just well as un-American as not having a heart attack. After a decades of reading nutrition journals, papers,… Read More »

Facebook is mental masterbation addiction

That is what all “social” sites are.  That is why more women than men are consumed by them.  It is selfish, shallow, and solitary.  They could actually have a real relationship but between their rabbit and smokers face they are just as happy with a computer. Facebook outage spotlights social media addiction – Computerworld.

Senior moments are a cause for worry

Simple old age is not the cause of mild memory lapses often called senior moments, according to a new study by researchers at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center. The study, published in the online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, is enough to give nearly every person over 65… Read More »

Torture racks for airline flights

It’s bad enough that the current aluminum racks that are called seats in coach can snap in half and cause permanent back injury and paralysis.  It is worse that airlines are now charging more for any seat that is not cramped so much that the average Americana man can not fit into them.  But now… Read More »

Attacks on “The China Study” grow more ridiculous

As people move away from eating pounds of dead farm animals and bovine smegma daily as they had been programmed to do the web becomes filled with fools trying to obfuscate the message. The main point that is lost here is that people are being programmed by special interest groups to support the industry that… Read More »

Death by Bad Breath

What has been known is finially explained in this article.  That the baticteria in your mouth can enter your bloodstream and use platelets to shield itself from attack while it creats clots that will kill you. Brush your stinking teeth! Why not brushing your teeth can kill you – Telegraph.

Simple Brain Scan Reveals Maturity

There is another similar study that kids “with” ADHD simply have a less mature brain and tend to act like the age of a child that is “normal” with a age appropriate brain maturity.  I can see it now: brain scans for college entrance, job applications, kindergarten, drivers licenses, etc….. Simple Brain Scan Reveals Maturity… Read More »

For the Women only

I, I, I just don’t know what to make of this….   It seems that the most important thing is washing your private parts. Is this something that women need to be told to do?