1. You Are Too Selfish Or Self-Centered
This is actually one of the most common reasons why people generally lack friends. Nobody likes selfish people who put themselves first, the notion of friendship means sharing everything with those dear to your heart, from feelings and memories to material aspects.
In the end, there is a reason why they all say that “sharing is caring”. Do you find it difficult to think outside yourself? Do those that surround you often tell you that you should pay more attention to other people’s needs? If so, then the chances are that you are slightly too self-centered, and this can be very repulsive for most people. Be open to suggestions and accept negative feedback, as it will help you become a better person.
2. You Are Too Shady
If you have split personality, then this may also be the culprit behind your lack of friends. A friend should be reliable, honest, straightforward and trustworthy at the same time. If you are shady and you act differently with your friends, then they will avoid you.
At the same time, avoid discussing problems you have with friends with other friends: keep in mind the saying “if they gossip with you, they will gossip about you”. Learn how to keep a secret and avoid being shady: a split personality will keep all your friends away, not to mention that you will find it difficult to start a romantic relationship as well.
3.You Care Too Less
Friendship can degrade as time passes, if you do not make any effort to keep your friends. Of course, if you struggle too much then you were never friends in the first place, but if you don’t try to socialize and you do not keep up with those who are close to your heart, you will eventually lose them. If you only meet people briefly and you do not make an effort to keep them close to you, they will forget you, sooner or later. Be it pride or shyness, this attitude will not do you much good in the long run!
4. You Complain Too Much
Nobody likes negative people, people who only see the empty side of the glass. If you are bad news and you are always looking for people who are willing to comfort or to pity you, then do not expect to keep any friends close to you in the long haul. Everybody has problems to deal with, and it is perfectly normal to look to your friends for guidance and advice: however, when you overdo it and you whine on a constant basis, this will take its toll on your friendship. Try to keep the drama at a minimum!
5. You Neglect Your Friends When You Start A Relationship
This is also one of the most disappointing attitudes some friends manifest. Keep in mind that the success of your new relationship is not guaranteed, and before you neglect or ignore your friends, don’t forget that you will turn to them if your relationship fails. Many friendships fail when one of the parties enters a temporary love affair.
6. People Change More Often Than They Should
As human beings, it is in our nature to change as the years pass: some of us change in a good way, while others do it in a bad way. Some people become more mature and nicer to have around, just like the wine: it is important to surround yourself with this kind of people, as they are reliable and down-to-earth. On the other hand, money can also change people and turn them into shallow beings who do not have the same moral values as they once did. This can affect a friendship beyond repair!
6 Reasons You Don’t Have Many Friends – Lifezap – Your Life GuideLifezap – Your Life Guide.