[This post has been updated with a revised version of the Ragone Plot by Alan Fletcher.]
We may be on the verge of a revolution in power generation. Again.
A paper published by an independent group of scientists details the results of a new test of Andrea Rossi’s latest version of his company’s E-Cat technology and the conclusions are, to say the least, intriguing (though “incredible” would be rather more accurate).

Back in 2011, here in Network World, I wrote Cheap power: An overnight revolution, my first article about an Italian inventor, Andrea Rossi, and his E-Cat device. The E-Cat was a machine that was claimed to generate more power than was put into it by a process that was, at that time, generally called “cold fusion.”
Just to give you some history on the topic, cold fusion was the name given to a process became the center of a “huge brouhaha in 1989 when two established scientists, Martin Fleischmann, one of the world’s leading electrochemists, and Stanley Pons, also a respected electrochemist, claimed to have observed cold fusion in a table-top experiment.”
Data integration is often underestimated and poorly implemented, taking time and resources. Yet it
The idea behind cold fusion is to create a nuclear reaction at room temperature (or thereabouts) which would “fuse” atoms together and release more energy than was required to cause the fusion. While there have been endless experiments in labs around the world at a cost of billions of dollars with “hot fusion”, a fusion method that heats atoms to stellar temperatures and at a cost of billions of dollars, no one has been able to demonstrate a net gain in energy from this approach (that said, lots of interesting and useful science has come out of the work).
The problem with Pons and Fleischmann’s claimed discovery was that no one could duplicate it and despite subsequent research to something of the order of $44 million no further progress was achieved … at least, until Andrea Rossi.
When I first wrote about Rossi he was about to conduct a demonstration of a 1MW E-Cat generator. The actual demonstration on October 28, 2011, was intriguing but hardly scientific and plagued with technical problems (including only outputting 0.5MW) which lead those who argued (mostly from scientific principles) that cold fusion wasn’t possible to cry “foul” while most of the believers argued that while skepticism was warranted, it appeared that Rossi was on to something important.
Since then most of the observers of the “cold fusion” field have dropped the term in favor of “Low Energy Nuclear Reaction” or LENR to decouple whatever the phenomenon is from the older and much more contentious term.
As for Rossi, the three ring circus surrounding him has continued over the intervening months. Part of the problem is that Rossi has had what can be fairly called a checkered history with prior ventures that resulted in court cases and accusations of fraud. This created a credibility problem for both Rossi and his various companies.
Moreover, Rossi has also made claims, predictions, and announcements that have had no discernible basis in reality. Thus, every announcement and demonstration by Rossi over the last three years has been surrounded by a whirl of claims, counterclaims, and accusations of fraud along with endless theorizing in the alternative energy community (greetings, Vortex-L).
Then, in May, 2013, a team of scientists published a paper, Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device, that detailed an independent test conducted in March that year by a group of serious academics and respected scientists. The paper concluded:
… if we consider the whole volume of the reactor core and the most conservative figures on energy production, we still get a value of (7.93 ± 0.8) 10^2 MJ/Liter that is one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source.
You might want to reread that last claim: “energy production … one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source”! That was a pretty astounding claim and placed the reaction way up in the same territory as Plutonium-238! Here’s what that looks like compared to other energy sources:

Of course the paper ignited a whole new furore with the disbelievers arguing that the test setup was rigged and or that the measurement methodology was flawed (there was even a suggestion that Rossi had hidden a laser in the ceiling and that was the source of heating of the test reactor).
Since that test, little had happened … at least, until yesterday.
Yesterday a new paper was published on a Swedish blog titled Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device and of isotopic changes in the fuel. The paper was authored by Giuseppe Levi (Bologna University, Bologna, Italy), Evelyn Foschi (Bologna, Italy), Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden), and Hanno Essén (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden); all members of the previous test team. Their conclusion?
The measured energy balance between input and output heat yielded a COP factor of about 3.2 and 3.6 for the 1260 ºC and 1400 ºC runs, respectively. The total net energy obtained during the 32 days run was about 1.5 MWh. This amount of energy is far more than can be obtained from any known chemical sources in the small reactor volume.

The reactor was:
… an alumina cylinder, 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm in length, ending on both sides with two cylindrical alumina blocks (4 cm in diameter, 4 cm in length), non-detachable from the body of the reactor … Three braided high-temperature grade Inconel cables exit from each of the two caps: these are the resistors wound in parallel non-overlapping coils inside the reactor. A thermocouple probe, inserted into one of the caps, allows the control system to manage power supply to the resistors by measuring the internal temperature of the reactor. The hole for the thermocouple probe is also the only access point for the fuel charge. The thermocouple probe cable is inserted in an alumina cement cylinder, which acts as a bushing and perfectly fits the hole, about 4 mm in diameter. When charging the reactor, the bushing is pulled out, and the charge is inserted. After the thermocouple probe has been lodged back in place, the bushing is sealed and secured with alumina cement. To extract the charge, pliers are used to open the seal.”
To run the reactor the apparatus is electrically heated using a waveform that is managed by a control box that the experimenters weren’t allowed to examine. Even so, they were allowed to take electrical measurements before and after the control box.

The reactor “charge” mentioned above was powdered nickel along with other unspecified and proprietary materials. We’ll come back what happens to the charge in the reactor … first, here’s the test setup:

The authors go into great detail as to how they performed their measurements, how they modeled the system, and what they discovered (though they don’t mention checking for lasers in the ceiling).

After the 32 day run a sample of the “ash” in the reactor was analyzed and compared to an analysis of the “charge”. The charge was found to have “significant quantities of Li, Al, Fe and H in addition to Ni [and] large amounts of C and O.” What was significant was that the charge had a normal distribution of isotopes; the ash did not. Moreover, the team did not detect and radiation during or after the test:
This result is remarkable since it shows that the burning process in E-Cat indeed changes the fuel at the nuclear level, i.e. nuclear reactions have taken place. It is notable, but maybe only a coincidence, that also in Astrophysics a 7Li depletion is observed.
This is the most convincing data so far to support Rossi’s claims and, assuming that all is as it appears, we can start to ponder a future where transportation costs are trivial, every house, business, data center, you name it has it’s own power and heat generation system, every power company becomes obsolete, every third world nation gets to play with the big boys economically, and Andrea Rossi becomes the richest person in history by orders of magnitude.
This is very much a “watch this space” event … stay tuned.
In the mean time, what’s your call? You’ve read the paper? What’s the future look like to you?

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Isn’t it strange that someone like Krivit would have us believe he is qualified to challenge the scientists who did the tests on Rossi’s e-cat?. I sense a huckster who has gone so far out on a limb in his criticism of Rossi, that he has to somehow convince someone- otherwise his reputation will crash an he will loose subscribers to this site. Obviously, Mr Krivit is in fear of Mr Rossi and his achievements.

The critics have spoken. By popular acclaim Rossi LENR E- Cat turns nuclear physics on it’s head!
“We agree that what is reported is amazing. . . something that would set the entire nuclear physics on its head. This goes against all the accumulated nuclear physics knowledge collected over the last 100 years. . . rewrite the textbooks, we believe . . . thoroughly investigate.”
Stephan Pomp, Professor, Uppsala University
Göran Ericsson, Professor, Uppsala University
Peter Ekström, Professor Emeritus, University of Lund
Ane Håkansson, Professor, Uppsala University

As someone else pointed out, this is the same exact inadequate test that was done before. Once again, the input power was not limited and properly measured and the “dummy” (blank, control) run was not at all like the actual power run. This leaves all manner of ways to cheat, most obviously through a wiring trick like this one:
Worse yet, while he pretended not to participate, Rossi was heavily and personally involved at crucial times. He was handling the device when it was started, switched from dummy run to power run and when the ash was removed! How is that an independent test? And Levi, Rossi’s long time close friend ran the whole thing! What a joke!
Rossi created an environmental disaster with Petroldragon and then most probably cheated the DOD out of $9 million due to his contract about claimed high efficiency thermoelectric devices. There is nothing to suggest that any such device was ever delivered or tested and there is evidence that what Rossi delivered were surplus defective parts from a San Diego company, made in Russia!
It is absolutely astounding that anyone still trusts this man and allows him to be present when his device is tested.
Those wishing to review Mr. Rossi’s extensive criminal history (he is a convicted felon in Italy) can do so at leisure here:

It is unfortunate that upon your return to the believer camp Forbes threw you under the bus and let you go for your LENR-related stories, but having to pay a price for being rationale and allowing the evidence to lead you simply serves as an appropriate welcome to the club. Your honorary tin hat is in the mail. Perhaps a Pulitzer Price or other fancy journalism award is in your future for bringing this story to the masses if you can keep your eye on the prize and not be distracted by the huddles masses of naysayers and flat-earthers.

Sorry, no expected amusement factor detected. My bad.

“Measurements on LENR reactor reported – energy release and isotopes
Yesterday, astounding results from month-long measurements on a so-called “energy catalyser” were reported. The report, written by researchers from Uppsala University, KTH and the University of Bologna, describes a release of heat that cannot be explained by chemical reactions alone. Isotope changes in the analysed fuel instead indicate that nuclear reactions might have occurred at low temperatures. It implies that we may be facing a new way to extract nuclear energy possibly without ionizing radiation and radioactive waste. The discovery could potentially become very important for the world’s energy supply.
The central part of the reactor is a narrow cylinder that is two decimetre long. In the experiments, the reactor operated at temperatures up to about 1 400 degrees Celsius. A net energy release of 1 500 kWh was observed. The thermal energy output was three to four times the electrical energy input. The reactor was filled with 1 gram hydrogen-loaded nickel powder and some additives.
In recent years, Elforsk has followed the development of what has come to be called LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Elforsk has published an overview summary of LENR. Elforsk has co-funded the work described in the report in addition to earlier measurements that showed an anomalous excess of energy.
If it is possible to safely operate and control these reactions that are now believed to be nuclear reactions, we may see a fundamental transformation of our energy system. Electricity and heat could then be produced with relatively simple components, facilitating a decentralization of energy supply that could be both inexpensive and part of a solution for global climate change.
More research is needed to understand and explain. Let us engage researchers in trying to validate and then explaining how it works.
Magnus Olofsson, CEO Elforsk – Swedish Electrical Utilities’ R & D Company”

Way to go, Barry!

LINK>> http://www.nyteknik.se/asikter/debatt/article3854541.ece
LINK>> http://www.elforsk.se/LENR-Matrapport-publicerad/
Elforsk is the R&D arm of the Scandinavian energy industry and represents a host of firms with revenues topping $100B/year and with a service area covering much of Europe. Elforsk provided funding for this extensive testing of the E-Cat.

It is the end of the fossil fuel age.
This is the reason oil prices have been falling like a stone.
Kind Regards walker

Oil is
dropping because a new European recession is perceived as immanent.

OK you can explain as you do. See video http://money.cnn.com/video/investing/2014/09/25/why-theres-no-isis-oil-shock.cnnmoney/