WHAT is going on?! For the second time this week, a mom has shot and killed her two children and taken her own life without so much as a warning. Kyler Ramsdell-Oliva, a 32-year-old mom from Utah, reportedly fatally shot her 13-year-old and 6-year-old daughters before turning the gun on herself in yet another brutal murder-suicide that makes absolutely no sense to most of us. All three appear gorgeous and filled with life in photos posted on Kyler’s Facebook page. According to her friends, who are leaving countless confused messages on her page, she seemed positively fine a few days ago. What would drive a mom to this point?
Kyler was in the process of breaking up with her fiance, according to reports, and her ex was actually moving his possessions out of their shared home when he heard gunshots from outside. Neighbors claim there were frequent domestic disturbances in their home, and cops were actually called to the house just one day before the murders. So it seems this couple had a rough time; it’s very possible Kyler was dealing with the emotional turmoil of her failed relationship when she pulled the trigger.
Just a few days ago, Kyler posted the following on her Facebook page:
There are always 2 sides to every story, the next time you judge someone else’s reality remember that you don’t see through their eyes and you don’t walk in their shoes. I hate people who feel its their right to come in the middle of a relationship and try to fix it or give their opinion. You aren’t in that relationship for a reason so don’t put yourself in between it. Focus on your own life and your own problems. —
feeling annoyed.
As in the case of Jennifer Berman, the Florida mom who shot and killed her two teens while dealing with a bad divorce and financial issues, it’s easy to assume Kyler’s actions were the result of feeling incredibly emotional after a bad breakup. But we will never know what actually compelled her to do this. Was she suffering from an untreated mental illness?
Whatever the cause, three people, including two innocent children, have lost their lives and it is a true tragedy. I hope this mom can find some sort of peace, and I really hope we stop hearing these stories about moms committing unthinkable acts of harm to the young people in their lives who trust them most.
Why do you think a mom would kill her children and then herself?
If you or someone you know has considered suicide, please reach out to a suicide hotline. There is ALWAYS someone there who wants to listen and who will take you seriously. You can call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.
What traits do hope to develop in your child to help them become a successful adult? VIDEO – CafeMom.