Femi-nazi drivel again

By | April 13, 2012


5 Ways To Keep Your Wife Happy

The international symbol for marriage

1) Eat dinner together everyday.

2) Keep the romance alive with creative little things.

3) Learn to communicate well.

The number one source of conflict is lack of or mis-communication!

4) Practice thinking for two.

5) Never, ever take her for granted.

Not being appreciated is probably one of the worst feelings one can have in a relationship

Now let’s get real…

It is not the mans job to make the wife happy or the wife’s job to make the man happy.

Fairy tales and emotional porn have driven reality out of relationships. The emotional pornography that women read as romance novels places unreal expectations on relationships in the non-fiction world.

This is the source of most conflict in marriages.

Women in all civilized countries now expect to be treated like princesses in the fairy tales they have been told. The goal of all fairy tales is to marry the prince but there is nothing about how to live happily ever after. It is assumed that the prince and his servants will do that for you.

The media programming is that for women to be equal they need to suppress and dominate men not to rise to the level of responsibility and commitment that men must operate at. The divorce and family laws are all so oppressive towards men that what we see now is relationships can go for many years but as soon as the marriage CONTRACT is signed the relationship changes since the woman knows she has the man pressed in the corner with the full force of the state.

While all of the articles points are sound relationship advice for any relationship be it marriage, kids, parents, friends, or business associates the constant whining that men have to make their wives happy is just more of the entitlement attitude that is causing problems. Just look at the so called “international symbol for marriage” that accompanies the article.

There are three billion women on the planet if it is not working . . . . NEXT!

5 Ways To Keep Your Wife Happy.