Brothels will offer robot prostitutes. Skanky hoes, and Americana princesses out of luck

By | April 21, 2012

The man from Yeoman and the woman from Mars wrote some blather about how sex toys will be perfectly lifelike and brothels will charge for renting them.

What fucking bullshit.  On top of that FOX calls them researchers!

In the future brothels will serve-up robot prostitutes offering clean, guilt-free sex, say researchers.The prediction was made in a research paper examining what the sex industry will be like in the year 2050.

Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars of the Victoria Management School in Wellington, New Zealand, wrote about an imaginary brothel in Amsterdam’s red-light district called Yub-Yum.

Has no one seen WESTWORLD?  How about STEPFORD WIVES!

The research paper titled Robots, Men And Sex Tourism describes the brothel as being “modern and gleaming with about 100 scantily clad blondes and brunettes parading around in exotic G-strings and lingerie, WHAT NO REDHEADS, BALD CHICKS?

“The lifelike sex robots would offer people a guilt-free sexual experience devoid of sexually transmitted diseases, THAT WASHOUT PROCESS BETTER BE DAMN GOOD.


via Brothels will offer robot prostitutes by 2050, researchers predict | Fox News.