Most women seek out others to commiserate with or that make them feel better. The ones that feel better often put the other down for not living like they do. Or the ones that feel better are a crutch that the other leans on and sucks off of thus making the stronger feel better. The below are typical “toxic” friends according the In Gloss.
The “Narcissist” – 65 percent of people have endured an egomaniac pal.
The “Chronic Downer” – 59 percent of people have a friend that is overly needy and emotionally draining.
The “Critic” – 55 percent of people have become friends with someone that is overly critical.
The “Underminer” – 45 percent of people have a friend that delivers backhanded compliments.
The “Flake” – 37 percent of people have a friend who is reliably unreliable.
What In Gloss failed to include are the “friends” that poisons the others relationship with their partner so they will be as big a loser as they are. (hubby basher)
Or the friend that sleeps with the husband of the other and then poisons the relationship. (hubby banger)
via Do You Have Toxic Friends? 84% of Women Do! | Health & Wellness | fitGLOSS.