‘Are Any Parts of Your Body Sore?’ Asks the Man from the Touching Sack Agency (TSA)

By | November 2, 2010

Hey! I am just back from a flight where the terahertz radiation DNA damaging machines were set up but not being used. I wanted to opt out just to get felt up.

But I have a strange feeling I can not chose who searches me.


If we always have High school graduates or GED passed TSA grown men to finger fellate the male passengers and un-marriageable college drop-out femi-nazis to manually stimulate the female passengers then what if a lesbian did not want to be touched by a woman that was not her wife (allowed in several states) so she could stay faithful. What if a lesbian wants a man to feel her up because she will not have any sexual stimulation from him (and does not care if he is stimulated and frustrated in the process)


Why does the TSA get to chose who checks us?

Why can’t we chose who does us in public? What about the homosexual guys that want the TSA dorks to run their hands up until they meet resistance? What if the Homosexual passenger starts to moan and writhe? Is this acceptable?

What about the hard up lesbians that will get all wet just thinking about getting felt up by that uniformed, jack-booted, utility belt wearing dyke with a GED?

Why can’t I have the same experience with the same dyke?

You see the way I see it is this “security theater” is supposed to shame and intimated us into submitting to the terahertz radiation box.  But freedom loving folks like myself can turn the tables.  I want to be felt up in public by the TSA so I can LOUDLY moan and request that they do it again.  OVER AND OVER…..

‘Are Any Parts of Your Body Sore?’ Asks the Man From TSA – Jeffrey Goldberg – National – The Atlantic.